Friday, 28 September 2012



''And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man'' Genesis 2:23, KJV.

I seek to share my thoughts on love and relationship with you fellow young men, I would be juxtaposing today’s love relationships with that of the first ever couple, according to the Bible, in a way that is bias in favour of males, that is why I call it ‘masculinist’. Hello ladies, I hope you would not hit me too hard with words after reading this!
Even though the above quote does not tell the whole story, a further reading down the same chapter gives the grounds for my analysis and hence my resolve.
You would all bear me out that one of the easiest things one could find today are books on relationships, providing tips for a healthy relationship, among others. I think it’s good since it provides a wider frame of reference for today's young chap seeking to go into a love relationship leading into marriage.

Observing the trends at the moment, I have come to one fundamental resolve, and that is what I wish to share, grounding my argument on the example of Adam and Eve in the Bible.
So this is what it was; Adam was put in charge of a set of things, he was the Boss, God found him to be alone and made him a help-mate, Adam upon seeing the woman falls in love (maybe love at first sight), God blesses the couple and from all indication they had all that they needed in abundance. But just like all relationships, you play within a set of rules, customs or traditions, and so they had to play to God's rules.

In the midst of abundance, the woman (Eve) still went out of her way against the admonition of Adam and caused one of the biggest messes ever, she eats the forbidden fruit.
The thrust of my resolve is based on this fact and I believe there are so many lessons in there for young men like me to learn.
I have observed that it is in the nature of women, seeing what Eve put Adam through, to sniff outside their relationships wanting more of the pleasures of life. This I realise is independent of the efforts of the men in their lives, so that, the fact that you are in the position to do all there-is, is no guarantee that your wife or woman won't put up the Eve kind of attitude. This often leads to so much disaster just like it was with the first couple.
Just like there was a third party (serpent) in the case of the couple of old, there has always been and there would always be, third party could be anybody at all, known or unknown to you, your relationship could be hit the rocks (God forbid), and that could entirely be as a result of this feminist (Eve) tendency and u would be wondering why and what to do, I will share my resolve with you and I hope you would be better psyched for love as a young man.
So here is my resolve: do your best as a man to keep your relationship going, your best should be as you see it and not as anyone says it is. Remember also that you do not hold the key to making your woman perpetually happy and satisfied, develop a big heart, learn along the line to love your woman better but never to the point of eating the forbidden fruit with her, Adam suffered it and I guess you do not intend to suffer same.
Leaving by this resolve would make you calm even at the worst form of the Eve storm, it is just like saying whatever would be would be so as young men we ought to adapt. You might not have asked for it but I am offering you a ‘masculinist’ approach to erotic love so go ahead and troubleshoot your relationship woes.

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